It's been almost a month since our father's first fall. Since then, it has been a roller-coaster ride. He got better when he came home from the hospital. He got worse until he got better again. He got worse one more time and is now recovering again. All along, he has been maintaining an adorable sense of humor about his condition. He has projected confidence despite his pain.
Anitha and I would like to thank everyone who has kept him in their thoughts, and checking in on him every so often.
Special thanks go to the Ravis (mom's brother and his family) who are also our neighbors and have been visiting regularly, engaging in chit chat with dad. These family visits definitely lifted his spirits up. Viji maami has been incredibly kind in preparing all his favorite desserts. We are also thankful to Kannan, our driver who stayed back with us for the last three weeks, and hasn't seen his own family since. He is a lot more than our family driver. He's like our brother who's dependable and as I am discovering, someone who is deeply spiritual. Aruna, our kind 24/7 nurse who has spent many sleepless nights watching our father. Raju, our cook who has been preparing some fantastic meals for all of us. And finally, our mom, who's not exactly young, and who has been tirelessly helping our father not just as a doctor, but as a loving wife.
Thanks to Coronavirus, we know, many of you are feeling helpless and we know you will visit our home as soon as the restrictions are relaxed. Thank you. Until then, here's a peak into the last few weeks.
Arun & Anitha